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You own a multi-million-dollar business.
Yes, you. Your company employs 40 people and manages thousands of accounts.
That company is Big Sandy RECC. As a member, you’re also an owner. You can attend our annual meeting and vote for the board of directors. That’s the foundation on which we and other electric cooperatives across Kentucky and the nation were built. We’re all locally based, locally owned, not-for-profit utilities.
Together, electric cooperatives and members like you own 42 percent of the nation's electric distribution lines. Long ago, we brought electricity to areas of rural America that investor-owned utilities regarded as not profitable enough.
At Big Sandy RECC as well as nationally, the cooperative model follows seven guiding principles: voluntary and open membership; democratic member control; members’ economic participation; autonomy and independence; education, training and information; cooperation among cooperatives; and concern for community.
As a member and owner, you receive many benefits. Your electricity is priced as close to cost as possible, because we’re not trying to make a profit. We’re also part of Touchstone Energy, a national alliance of cooperatives that provide high standards of service and energy solutions to customers in 46 states. Because of this affiliation, we offer members a free Co-op Connections Card that’s good for discounts on hundreds of products and services, ranging from prescription medicines to tire rotations.
Really, there’s no room to list all the blessings of belonging to Big Sandy RECC. We’re constantly working on your behalf—because you’re our boss.
Copyright © 2020 Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative - All Rights Reserved.