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Our Paintsville office and Prestonsburg offices are open from 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. We also have a 24-hour drop box at both locations for our members' convenience.
Your bill is due the 20th of every month.
The cut off date varies each month. It usually ranges from the 5th - 8th of each month.
You are billed for the kilowatts used from the 1st of the month to the following 1st of each month or as close as possible. (example: Jan 1st - Feb 1st)
We use an online utility service which checks credit information and determines the fees required. These fees can range from $25.00 to $275.00.
We at Big Sandy RECC want to make doing business with us easy. We have a variety of payment methods for a members to chose from. Our members can pay their bill by mail, bank draft, credit card draft, in-person at one of our offices (Paintsville or Prestonsburg), or online. For any information about these services please contact us at (606) 789-4095 or (888) 789-RECC(7322).
An electric cooperative is a type of electric utility that is owned by the members it serves. Its profits, or margins, are put back into the cooperative to help run the business efficiently, or are returned to the member-owner. A co-op exists solely to provide high-quality service at the lowest possible price for its member-owners.
The three kinds of utilities are distinguished more by their business structure than by the product they sell. They are electric cooperatives, investor-owned utilities, and municipal systems.
It pays the cost to meet EPA regulations on power plant emissions. All major electric utilities in Kentucky have this charge. It covers the cost of expensive equipment, like scrubbers, to meet the regulations. It is a pass thru charge from our power supplier (East Ky Power).
It’s the cost of coal and natural gas to run power plants, and purchased power. It is a pass thru charge from our power supplier (East Ky Power).
An electric cooperative exists for the purpose of providing its members with electric service - on a non-profit basis. Therefore, in a cooperative, the net margins do not belong to the corporation - they belong to the individual members who paid the money on their monthly service bills. In most types of co-ops, net margins, after reasonable reserves are set aside to pay back government loans, operating costs and other expenses, go back to the members in the form of a cash patronage refund. The funds credited to members are capital credits, and over a period of years these membership funds take the place of federal investment. The individual members capital credits are his ownership equity in the system. Most electric co-ops have a provision in their bylaws for repayment of capital credits on a rotating basis.
The Community Action Partnership offers the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The purpose of the LI-HEAP Program is to assist eligible low-income households with the costs of home energy through the two components of Subsidy and Crisis. The Subsidy component is designed to provide eligible households with one time payment to the household's energy provider. Eligibility is based on the household income, size, liquid resources, and responsibility for home heating. Benefits are calculated based on household income and the primary heating source to ensure that households with the highest heating cost and the lowest incomes, taking into consideration household size, will receive the highest benefit.
Copyright © 2020 Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative - All Rights Reserved.